They turned me away too said my shirt was too provocative

I don’t often rant on Facebook, but it’s 2018 and I don’t appreciate going out with my husband and him being discriminated against because of his skin color.
We waited in line at Varsity only to be told by the racist bouncers that my husband wouldn’t be allowed in because he was wearing Timberland boots. Now we’ve had a problem in Fort Worth at a bar before because he was wearing Jordans, so we made sure to adhere to the no tennis shoes dress code.
We got in through the side because the guy working that door knew they were being racist and didn’t agree. Of course they were playing plenty of hip hop and rap and even had Tupac and Biggie Murals on their walls!! Soon after a bouncer came and found us asking my husband how he got in and told him to leave because of his shoes. He asked why and asked what the official dress code was. The bouncer refused to give it and started pushing my husband to leave! Can you believe that, this man had the nerve to put his hands on my husband after simply being asked about the dress code?! Most of y’all know my husband, he is not confrontational at all and is a respectful laid back man. So I’m assuming it HAD to be his skin tone that threatened this man so much that he felt the need to PUSH my husband. taupe colored items to wear in the wedding
There were so many people in Varsity that had on athletic sneakers and plenty of people wearing boots. But their skin wasn’t black, so I guess it was okay for them.
It’s ridiculous that my husband had to experience this and It honestly looks bad on the city of Fort Worth because this is the second time we’ve experienced discrimination on 7th street.